An in-built financial accounting system
that tracks transactions from sales,
purchase, inventory, payroll,
and expenses to give you a complete
picture of your company's financial status .
Inventory Management
Never go out of stock on your inventory.
Helps you categorize products, know low stock
items and invest in right inventory to
increase your business revenue.
Detailed Reports
Keep track of all your transactions with
our detailed reports. You can view all types
of details of your transactions from
our reports section
Take orders from your customers and
give them order receipt with professional
sale order form. Helps you track order
status and meet all orders on time
Receivable / Payables
Be on top of all your receivables and payables
at all times and have clear visibility of who owes
you how much. Helps you remind them on
time and maintain good capital for your business.
Balance Sheet
Balancesheet is your one stop show to know
the overall status of your business. It gives your
details about your current Cash-in hand, Stock Value,
Expenses, Bank account balances. etc. at one place
Dedicated & Support
we believe in being side by side with our users
and making sure that we are available for any
questions or help at all times.
Items Import & Export (Excel sheet)
Don't worry if you have huge item list in excel.
Import all your items from excel in one shot in very
simple way. No extra effort of manually entering
the items to Easybiz.
Bank Accounts
Keep a clear view of all your bank accounts,
debit cards, credit cards, Helps you maintain
right cashflow and liquidity at the right time.